Browse our talented team of Aveda Purefessionals and download the in-salon course offerings pdf for descriptions, details, and learning objectives.

CUt, COLOR & STYLE Purefessionals
Christina Moutzalias
Jami (Ehling) Ruckdeschel
Jamie Long
Jessica Gregory
Kristine Pierola
Lauren Schmidt
Megan Robertson
Melissa Edwards
Mike Mercado
Stephanie Borras
Amanda Lewis
Vanessa Ziyani
Luca Boccia
Laura Dulay
Joey Wesolowski

spa & Makeup Educators
Anita Pfeifer
Spa Purefessional | $475
Faith Spencer
Spa Purefessional | $375
Chelsea Isom
Makeup | $250
Jackie Edwards
Makeup | $250
Marissa Murphy
Makeup | $250